[ EXCLUSIVE ] For Anyone Email Marketing To Gmail Users:

How to Get More People Opening Your Emails

Date: Wednesday 24th April

Time: 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK Time

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The 1,800,000,000 Problem

Since Gmail’s release in 2004 nearly 20 years ago, it’s grown to become the number 1 email service used today.

That’s 1.8 BILLION users. (For context, the US population is only 332m).

This means if you do any email marketing, being able to reliably and consistently land in Gmail inboxes is critical to your business.

And that’s why, when any changes affect your ability to do this, you need to know what they are so you can protect yourself and get ahead before any damage is done.

The 1,800,000,000 Problem
What’s Going To Happen?
Quite simply, as one reputable tech site states–this is Google’s “most significant update to Gmail yet” and will drastically change the way you hit the inbox when you press send.
And if you don’t get ahead of this change before it’s too late? It will lead to:
❌ Increased spam complaints
❌ Lower engagement
❌ Open rates & click through rates tanking
❌ Lower revenue per send
❌ Leading to a dead list

That’s Why We’re Running
FREE Live Training To Help You
Understand These Changes

Learn What You Need To Do To Build (And Nurture) A Healthy Email List For 2024
That’s Why We’re Running A FREE Live Training To Help You Understand These Changes
Learn What You Need To Do To Build (And Nurture) A Healthy Email List For 2024
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